Local History
Village Triangle

The Doddiscombsleigh village triangle is not as famous as its Bermuda namesake nor, at about 25 metres long, quite as big. Nevertheless it probably holds the most prominent position in the village.
There are rumours that strange goings on occur in there. We know that the gate and a section of railings apparently disappeared for a protracted period.
There’s even some evidence that the whole triangle may have been stolen at some point and allegedly with the Parish Council’s connivance!
We are looking for someone to put the record straight with a bit of proper research and/or story telling. We have some documentary ‘proof’ of the ‘triangle heist’ to get you started.
The triangle is also home to a Royal Jubilee stone, a war memorial, a huge tree and a handy bench to rest while you write this kind of stuff. Each has stories to be investigated and told.